Blue Ridge Parkway is Pleased to sell another print of Sunflower Burst…

Blue Ridge Parkway Artist

Please Check out My Story on Youtube!


I am always so much happier when I am in the middle of a new work!  Have to paint!  It is a beautiful day here and I hope I can get out and walk.  It is always nice to do more than the bank, grocery store or post office trips. 

We are all so limited right now so it is great to show my work and talk about it in my Youtubes.  It is sort of like teaching at Radford University again.  I did a lot of demonstrating in all of my classes and it was a nice experience.  I think those demos were helpful. The ones I do on Youtube are not for instruction.  I am just painting and talking about the decisions I make.

Still, it does remind me of my teaching experience. Be sure to check out my new one above!  It is getting a lot of hits and comments!

Also pleased to sell another print of Sunflower Burst to a great Kansas patron! Check that out below!

Sunflower Burst  Original 60″ x 41″ Oil  painting $4920

Wall Art Prints and Prints on household items including face masks

Tulip Flow  Original 18″ x 24″ acrylic  painting $884

Be sure to check out my Independent website!  The link under Tulip Flow will take you there!


I would greatly appreciate a Google review if you like my work!  Here is the link.

Life with the Word and Bird Man – Clyde Kessler

Nothing from Clyde lately but there was a great word play joke on Facebook that sounds just like something he would say.  I had to share. 

Caution. It is another groaner, but I like it! 

Can you laugh loudly in Hawaii or does it have to be A Low Ha Ha. 


Be sure to check out originals on Etsy! This link will take you to a popular expressive floral painting!×20-impressionist?ref=shop_home_active_7&frs=1

Swirling Color  Original 20″ x 16″ oil painting $695

Please check out Clyde’s book.

The book can be purchased on Amazon!  Here is the link. 

Fiddling at Midnight’s Farmhouse   Original   Acrylic  painting  NFS

Prints on Paper, Canvas, Metal, and Greeting Cards Available at

If you like my work but don’t have any more room on your walls be sure to check out my paintings on just about anything on my website or Zazzle! 

Here is the very popular Memphis Lights Puzzle!

Check out my My Paintings on Ebay

If the address  does not work, put Kendall Kessler in the search!

Thank you for looking at paintings by an artist of The Blue Ridge Parkway!

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